TODO file for ctct [GENERAL] * Honor $VISUAL. * Honor XDG user dirs. * Use git tags for future versions. * [consider] Remove character restriction except '.', '/'. * [consider] Require at least one argument for --search-by-*. [CONFIGURE SCRIPT] * Take care of some_dir=/ (man page). * Fully expand all variables found outside, like is already done for sysconfdir_expanded. [FEATURES] * [consider] Allow for directories with special meaning (e.g. pictures/). * [consider] Autocompletion for '--search-by-name' (questionable). * [consider] Upon a single result ('--search-by-*), directly display the contents of the entry `- should be made customizable * [optional] Do not create a new entry if nothing is entered in the editor. * Support templates. * Quiet option for --search-by-*. * [consider] Use another default editor. `- nano, easily understandable. `- ed, the editor. * [consider] Use regexes for --search-by-name. [MANUAL] * Add an EXAMPLE section to ctct(1).