path: root/update.sh
diff options
authorEinhard Leichtfuß <alguien@respiranto.de>2018-03-30 16:03:12 +0200
committerEinhard Leichtfuß <alguien@respiranto.de>2018-03-30 16:03:12 +0200
commit9d45fe6b329cbae295ed83d90dd20c5fc3e70717 (patch)
tree2cade18b271a104cf6a6a295e5d15d8fc623566f /update.sh
parent2a8e89e412a0cb344c62aee455d522cd983be1d7 (diff)
Modularise and generalise
Modularisation: - Use new functions replace(), replace_line() and delete_line() instead of sed directly. This required all editing to be done in-line or pseudo in-line, i.e. moving files afterwards. Generalisation: - Make it work for both the non-vcs source and the binary packages, not only the former. A separate function handle_all() has been set up to handle both types. Further: - Require a directory to be supplied as argument due to a variable number of further arguments. - Use a temporary directory instead of several files. - Add option -uaf to forcibly update everything.
Diffstat (limited to 'update.sh')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/update.sh b/update.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a3d3863
--- /dev/null
+++ b/update.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# usage: $0 dir [-u xyz-uvw|-ua|-uaf]
+cd "$1" || exit 1
+typeset -a langs
+ fra-deu deu-fra
+ deu-eng eng-deu
+ fra-eng eng-fra
+ spa-eng eng-spa
+ )
+typeset -A long
+typeset -A contrs
+'# Contributor: akane <grangerspit@gmail.com> <xmpp:heiß@neko.im>'$'\n'
+'# Contributor: akane <grangerspit@gmail.com> <xmpp:heiß@neko.im>'$'\n'
+'# Contributor: Benjamin Vanderford <hazor_at_swrpg_dot_info>'$'\n'
+'# Contributor: Benjamin Vanderford <hazor_at_swrpg_dot_info>'$'\n'
+typeset -A prepare
+ cd $_lang
+ sed -i '"'"'s/\(10\)\(100\>.*1 mit 100 Nullen\)/\1\^\2/'"'"' ${_lang}.tei
+ cd $_lang
+ dictzip -d ${_lang}.dict.dz
+ sed -i '"'"'s/\(10\)\(100\>.*1 mit 100 Nullen\)/\1\^\2/'"'"' ${_lang}.dict
+ dictzip ${_lang}.dict
+# $1: string to replace: regular expression
+# $2: string to replace with: sed replacement string
+function replace
+ sed -i "s/${1}/${2}/g" "$tmp"
+# $1 line to replace: regular expression
+# $2 text to replace with: (newline terminated) sed replacement string
+# $3 removal type: (rm-plus-one|normal)
+function replace_line
+ if test -n "$2"
+ then
+ cat <(sed "/${1}/,\$ d" < "$tmp") \
+ <(echo -n "$2") \
+ <(sed "0,/${1}/ d" < "$tmp") \
+ > "$tmp_"
+ mv "$tmp_" "$tmp"
+ else
+ if [[ "$3" == rm-plus-one ]]
+ then
+ sed -i "/${1}/,+1 d" "$tmp"
+ else
+ sed -i "/${1}/ d" "$tmp"
+ fi
+ fi
+# $1 line to delete: regular expression
+function delete_line
+ sed -i "/${1}/ d" "$tmp"
+function update
+ echo "Updating ${lang}${ext} (${pkgver} -> ${convver})..."
+ lang_a="${long[${lang%-*}]}"
+ lang_b="${long[${lang#*-}]}"
+ checksum="$(wget -qO - "$url" | sha512sum | sed -E 's/\s*-$//')"
+ tmp_d="$(mktemp -d)"
+ tmp="$tmp_d/a"
+ tmp_="$tmp_d/b"
+ cp ../sample.PKGBUILD "$tmp"
+ replace '%LANG%' "$lang"
+ replace '%LANG_A%' "$lang_a"
+ replace '%LANG_B%' "$lang_b"
+ replace '%VER%' "$convver"
+ replace '%CHECKSUM%' "$checksum"
+ replace_line '%CONTRS%' "${contrs[${lang}${ext}]}" normal
+ if [[ "$ver" == "$convver" ]]
+ then
+ delete_line '^_pkgver=\${pkgver\/\/_\/-}$'
+ replace '_pkgver' 'pkgver'
+ fi
+ replace_line '%PREPARE%' "${prepare[${lang}${ext}]}" rm-plus-one
+ mv "$tmp" PKGBUILD
+ makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO
+ rm -r "$tmp_d"
+# $1 type: (src|bin)
+# $2 suffix: (|-bin)
+# $3 platform: (src|dictd)
+# ${@:4} args: $@
+function handle_all
+ type="$1"
+ ext="$2"
+ platform="$3"
+ shift 3
+ cd "$type"
+ for lang in ${langs[@]}
+ do
+ cd dict-freedict-${lang}${ext}
+ git pull -q
+ pkgver="$(grep pkgver .SRCINFO | sed -E 's/\s*pkgver\s*=\s*(.+)\s*/\1/')"
+ ver="$(jq -r ".[] | select(.name == \"${lang}\") | .releases[] | select(.platform==\"$platform\") | .version" ../../freedict-database.json)"
+ url="$(jq -r ".[] | select(.name == \"${lang}\") | .releases[] | select(.platform==\"$platform\") | .URL" ../../freedict-database.json)"
+ url="${url%/download}"
+ convver="${ver//-/_}"
+ if [[ "$pkgver" != "$convver" ]]
+ then
+ echo "${lang}${ext} requires update (${pkgver} -> ${convver})."
+ ureq=true
+ else
+ ureq=false
+ fi
+ if [[ "$url" != "https://sourceforge.net/projects/freedict/files/${lang}/${ver}/freedict-${lang}-${ver}.${platform}.tar.xz" ]]
+ then
+ echo "${lang}${ext} URL changed (${url})."
+ else
+ if [[ "$1" == "-u" && "$2" == "$lang${ext}" ]] \
+ || ([[ "$1" == "-ua" ]] && $ureq) \
+ || [[ "$1" == "-uaf" ]]
+ then
+ update
+ fi
+ fi
+ cd ..
+ done
+ cd ..
+curl -sO http://freedict.org/freedict-database.json
+handle_all src '' src "$@"
+handle_all bin -bin dictd "$@"