path: root/rsync-backup
diff options
authorEinhard Leichtfuß <alguien@respiranto.de>2019-04-04 00:04:37 +0200
committerEinhard Leichtfuß <alguien@respiranto.de>2019-04-04 00:04:37 +0200
commitab0cff3bb36721e982301e14435c0f4c8f313995 (patch)
tree44702cebd2019a383e574db3f1ffbd94db670092 /rsync-backup
parent7831ff7b87b2a100ec04611eadefa0a9370f5057 (diff)
Add remote backup functionality
Create wrapper functions that take a host and a function with named arguments. The supplied function is the to be executed on the specified host, which may be the empty string signifying local execution. These wrapper functions essentially export the to be run function and any of its recursive dependencies, further the named arguments as variables, to the remote host, and run the function remotely. That is, if the host is non-local. Also, - use appropriate function names to differentiate between destination and source host wherever applicable. - add comments, - enhance TODO and README, - rename some variables in order to increase consistency, - move some global declarations further upward, - make variables readonly when reasonable, - use named return and exit codes, - add a general `ask'-function.
Diffstat (limited to 'rsync-backup')
1 files changed, 657 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rsync-backup b/rsync-backup
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e0ed37a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsync-backup
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# rsync-backup - a backup script using rsync.
+# Copyright 2015 - 2018 Einhard Leichtfuß
+# This file is part of rsync-backup.
+# rsync-backup is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# rsync-backup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with rsync-backup. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+typeset -r exec_name="${0##*/}"
+typeset -r CONFIG=/etc/rsync-backup/config
+typeset -r RET_TYPES='
+typeset -r RET_SUCCESS=0
+typeset -r RET_FAILURE=1
+typeset -r RET_BADSYNTAX=2
+typeset -r RET_FILE_ERR=4
+typeset -r RET_ERROR=8
+typeset -r DATEFMT='%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S'
+# Shell options:
+# nullglob: In case of a non-matching glob, return nothing.
+# dotglob: Include dotfiles (except . and ..) in glob matching.
+typeset -r SHOPTS='nullglob dotglob'
+# Global program variables.
+typeset src src_path src_host
+typeset dest dest_path dest_host
+typeset -a filter_args
+typeset -i n
+typeset bakdate
+# Variables that may be configured.
+typeset RSYNC=rsync
+typeset -a rsync_args
+typeset -a rsync_inc_args
+typeset -A bakpath
+typeset filter_file_all # Applied after specific filter.
+typeset -A filter_file
+# Default arguments for rsync (-rptogAXlHS, --timeout=, --info=).
+ --recursive
+ --perms --times --owner --group
+ --acls --xattrs
+ --links
+ --hard-links
+ --sparse
+ --timeout=60
+ #-vv
+ --info=progress2
+ )
+# Supplemental arguments for rsync; only used when an actual incremental
+# update is performed, i.e. when --link-dest is used.
+ --fuzzy --fuzzy
+ )
+source "$CONFIG"
+# RSYNC args.
+# basic args: --recursive --perms --times --owner --group --links
+# extra args: --sparse --acls --xattrs --hard-links --timeout=60
+# --fuzzy --fuzzy
+# --filter="merge <file>"
+# likely: --compress
+# --partial{,dir=DIR}
+# --progress
+# possibly: --devices --specials
+# --max-size=SIZE-OF-FILE
+# --one-file-system
+# --log-file=FILE --log-file-format=FORMAT
+# --human-readable
+# unlikely: --omit-{dir,link}-times --update (!--inplace) --delete
+# --exclude
+# great: --link-dest=DIR (timestamps?)
+# testing: --verbose --dry-run (-vn)
+# interesting: --sockopts --itemize-changes --out-format=FORMAT
+# --stats
+function main
+ shopt -s $SHOPTS
+ # Set $src, $dest_path and $filter_args.
+ get_args "$@" || return $?
+ # Verify $src_path exists.
+ run_function "$src_host" src_check_path '' 'src_path src' || return $?
+ # Make sure $dest_path exists.
+ run_function "$dest_host" dest_check_path '' 'dest_path dest' || return $?
+ # Populate the global $dirs array.
+ dirs=( $(
+ run_function "$dest_host" dest_find_existing_backup_dirs '' 'dest_path' \
+ || return $?
+ ) )
+ n=${#dirs[@]}
+ run_function "$dest_host" dest_prepare 'dest_clear_file' \
+ 'dest dirs[@] n dest_host dest_path' "$(date +$DATEFMT)" \
+ || return $?
+ perform_backup || return $?
+ run_function "$dest_host" dest_finalize \
+ 'dest_refresh_symlinks dest_clear_file' \
+ 'dest_host dest_path bakdate n' \
+ || return $?
+ dest_refresh_symlinks
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Set the globabl variables $src, $dest_path and $filter_args according to
+# command line parameters and the configuration.
+# $@: command line parameters
+function get_args
+ if [ $# -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "Usage: $exec_name <src> [<dest>]"
+ fi
+ local l_src="$1"
+ local l_dest
+ # Set $src_path, $src_host and $src.
+ resolve_host_path src "$l_src" || return $?
+ if [ $# -gt 1 ]
+ then
+ l_dest="$2"
+ elif test -v bakpath[$src]
+ then
+ l_dest="${bakpath[$src]}"
+ else
+ echo "Error: Backup path for $src neither configured"
+ echo " nor specified on command line."
+ fi
+ # Set $dest_path, $dest_host and $dest.
+ resolve_host_path dest "$l_dest" || return $?
+ filter_args=()
+ if test -v filter_file[$src] && test -f "${filter_file[$src]}"
+ then
+ filter_args+=("--filter=merge ${filter_file[$src]}")
+ fi
+ if test -v filter_file_all -a -f "$filter_file_all"
+ then
+ filter_args+=("--filter=merge ${filter_file_all}")
+ fi
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Split host:target like rsync and convert local (!) relative paths to
+# absolute ones. This is needed at least for $src_path which is used as
+# key for associative arrays.
+# The results are written to the global variables $<vtype>, $<vtype>_host
+# and $<vtype>_path, where <vtype> is either src or dest. $<vtype> gets
+# set to the original to be resolved string, unless we are local, i.e.
+# there is no host.
+# Note: This is not a place for bash to shine. Perl for instance would do
+# this much more easily.
+# Examples:
+# - a:b -> (a, b)
+# - a/b:c -> ('', a/b:c)
+# $1: which global variables to set: (src|dest)
+# $2: path string potentially containing host prefix
+# sets: ${$1}_host: host name (may be empty)
+# ${$1}_path: path (absolute, if local, i.e. ${$1}_host='')
+# ${$1}: ${$1}_path, if ${$1}_host='',
+# ${$1}_host:${$1}_path (= $2), elsewise.
+function resolve_host_path
+ local vtype="$1"
+ local combined="$2"
+ local host path
+ # Split host and path.
+ host=${combined%%:*}
+ if [[ "$host" == "$combined" || "$host" =~ '/' ]]
+ then
+ host=''
+ path="$combined"
+ # Resolve to absolute directory.
+ # pwd -P avoids symlinks.
+ # Do not resolve symlimks in ${path} or test for its existance.
+ # `- realpath could do that.
+ if ! [[ "$path" =~ / ]]
+ then
+ path="$(pwd -P)/${path}"
+ fi
+ combined="$path"
+ else
+ path="${combined#*:}"
+ fi
+ # Set global variables.
+ if [[ "$vtype" == 'src' ]]
+ then
+ src_host="$host"
+ src_path="$path"
+ src="$combined"
+ else # "$vtype" == 'dest'
+ dest_host="$host"
+ dest_path="$path"
+ dest="$combined"
+ fi
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Run a function on a remote host.
+# If the host parameter is empty, run locally.
+# $1: host: name
+# $2: function to run: name
+# $3: other functions to export: [name (. ' ' . name)*]
+# $4: variables to export: [name (. ' ' . name)*]
+# ${@:5}: function arguments: string+
+function run_function
+ local host="$1"
+ local fun=$2
+ local funs="$fun $3"
+ local vars="$4"
+ local vars_set
+ shift 4
+ if [[ -z "$host" ]]
+ then
+ $fun "$@"
+ else
+ # Create string to export variables.
+ vars_set=
+ for var in $RET_TYPES $vars
+ do
+ vars_set+="$(eval echo \${${var}@A}); "
+ done
+ # Use ssh to run command remotely.
+ # Make sure to properly escape the strings.
+ ssh "$host" "shopt -s ${SHOPTS}; ${vars_set} $(typeset -f $funs);" \
+ "$fun $(printf "'%s' " "$@")"
+ fi
+ return $?
+# Run command remotely.
+# Not used.
+# $1: host: name
+# ${@:2}: command with arguments: string+
+function do_thing
+ local host="$1"
+ shift
+ if [[ -z "$host" ]]
+ then
+ "$@"
+ else
+ # Use ssh to run command remotely.
+ # Make sure to properly escape the strings.
+ ssh "$host" "shopt -s ${SHOPTS}; $(printf "'%s' " "$@")"
+ fi
+ return $?
+# Check if $src exists.
+# Must be run on source host.
+# requires: $src_path, $src
+function src_check_path
+ if ! test -d "$src_path"
+ then
+ echo "Source (\"$src\") does not exist."
+ return $RET_FILE_ERR
+ fi
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Check if $dest_path exists and try to create it if necessary.
+# Must be run on destination host.
+# requires: $dest_path, $dest
+# interactive.
+function dest_check_path
+ local -l reply
+ if ! test -d "$dest_path"
+ then
+ echo "Target (\"$dest\") does not exist."
+ echo -n "Do you want do create it [y/N]? "
+ read reply
+ if ! [[ "$reply" =~ ^y(es)?$ ]]
+ then
+ return $RET_FAILURE
+ fi
+ echo
+ if ! mkdir -p "$dest_path"
+ then
+ echo "Backup creation has failed."
+ echo "\"$dest\" could not be created."
+ return $RET_FILE_ERR
+ fi
+ fi
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Print existing backup directories.
+# Must be run on destination host.
+# requires: $dest_path
+function dest_find_existing_backup_dirs
+ find "$dest_path" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d \
+ -regextype posix-extended -regex \
+ '.*/[0-9]{4}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]_[0-2][0-9]([0-5][0-9]){2}.backup' \
+ -printf '%f\n' \
+ | LC_ALL=C sort
+ if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0 && ${PIPESTATUS[1]} -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+ else
+ return $RET_ERROR
+ fi
+# Prepare destination for the backup process.
+# Must be run on destination host.
+# requires: $dirs[@], $n
+# $dest_host (self, <- dest_clear_file)
+# $dest_path
+# $1: current date on local host in format $DATEFMT
+# interactive (<- dest_clear_file)
+function dest_prepare
+ local current_date="$1"
+ # Check for dates in the future, which might mess with the yet to be
+ # determined new backup's date.
+ if [[ $n -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ local last_date=${dirs[n-1]%.backup}
+ if [[ "$current_date" == "$last_date" ]]
+ then
+ echo "Last backup was run in the same second."
+ echo "Exiting."
+ return $RET_FAILURE
+ elif
+ [[ "$current_date" < "$last_date" ]]
+ then
+ echo "Last backup lies in the future. Fix your clocks."
+ echo "Exiting."
+ return $RET_FAILURE
+ fi
+ fi
+ dest_clear_file "${dest_path}/new.backup" "Backup creation has failed." \
+ || return $?
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Perform the actual backup.
+# To be run locally.
+# requires: $DATEFMT,
+# $dest_path, $dest, $src_path, $src,
+# $n, $dirs[@],
+# $rsync_args[@], $rsync_inc_args[@], $filter_args[@]
+# sets: $bakdate
+function perform_backup
+ bakdate=`date +"$DATEFMT"`
+ printf 'Starting backup nr. %u.\n' "$n"
+ if [ $n -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ # Perform first backup, not incremental.
+ $RSYNC "${rsync_args[@]}" \
+ "${filter_args[@]}" \
+ "$src"/ "${dest}/new.backup" \
+ || return $RET_ERROR
+ else
+ # Perform incremental backup on the basis of the last.
+ $RSYNC "${rsync_args[@]}" \
+ "${rsync_inc_args[@]}" --link-dest="../${dirs[n-1]}" \
+ "${filter_args[@]}" \
+ "$src"/ "${dest}/new.backup" \
+ || return $RET_ERROR
+ fi
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Finalize the backup creation on the destination host.
+# requires: $dest_host (<- dest_refresh_symlinks),
+# $dest_path (self, <- dest_refresh_symlinks),
+# $bakdate (self, <- dest_refresh_symlinks),
+# $n (self, <- dest_refresh_symlinks),
+# interactive (<- dest_refresh_symlinks)
+function dest_finalize
+ mv "${dest_path}/new.backup" "${dest_path}/${bakdate}.backup" \
+ || return $RET_FILE_ERR
+ if
+ dest_refresh_symlinks
+ then
+ printf '\nCreating of backup nr. %u successfully executed.\n' "$n"
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+ else
+ local ret=$?
+ printf '\nCreating of backup nonetheless successfully executed.\n'
+ return $ret
+ fi
+# Create symbolic links to backup directories.
+# Must be run on the destination host.
+# requires: $dest_host, $dest_path, $bakdate, $n
+# interactive (<- dest_clear_file)
+function dest_refresh_symlinks
+ local -i i
+ local host_prefix="${dest_host}${dest_host:+:}"
+ local linkdir ret
+ linkdir="${dest_path}/latest"
+ if test -L "$linkdir"
+ then
+ rm "$linkdir"
+ ln -s "${bakdate}.backup" "$linkdir" || return $RET_ERROR
+ elif
+ dest_clear_file "$linkdir" "Creation of softlink \"latest\" failed." \
+ || return $?
+ then
+ ln -s "${bakdate}.backup" "$linkdir" || return $RET_ERROR
+ fi
+ # by_number
+ numdir="${dest_path}/by_number"
+ if ! test -d "$numdir"
+ then
+ dest_clear_file "$dest_host" "$numdir" \
+ "Setting up numbered softlinks failed." || return $?
+ mkdir "$numdir" || return $RET_ERROR
+ fi
+ # Remove old symlinks.
+ find "$numdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type l -regextype posix-extended \
+ -regex '.*/[0-9]*' -delete || return $RET_ERROR
+ # TODO: Simplify.
+ for file in "$numdir"/*
+ do
+ echo $file
+ dest_clear_file "$file" "Setting up numbered softlinks failed." \
+ || return $?
+ done
+ # Set last dir on the new one.
+ dirs[$n]="${bakdate}.backup"
+ for (( i = 0; i <= n; i++ ))
+ do
+ ln -s "../${dirs[i]}" "$(printf "%s/%.${#n}u" "$numdir" $i)"
+ done
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Make sure a file does not exist on the destination host.
+# Must be run on destination host.
+# $1: file: path
+# $2: error message: string
+# requires: $dest_host
+# interactive.
+function dest_clear_file
+ local file_path="$1"
+ local err_msg="$2"
+ local file="${dest_host}${dest_host:+:}${file_path}"
+ local -l reply
+ if test -e "$file_path" -o -L "$file_path"
+ then
+ printf "%s %s\n %s\n%s\n" \
+ "It seems like the last backup process failed or you have created" \
+ "the file" "$file" "manually."
+ echo -n "Do you want to delete it [y/N]? "
+ read reply
+ if [[ "$reply" =~ ^y(es)?$ ]]
+ then
+ printf "Deleting.\n"
+ if rm -rf "$file_path"
+ then
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+ else
+ printf '%s\n' "$err_msg"
+ return $RET_FILE_ERR
+ fi
+ else
+ printf '%s\n' "$err_msg"
+ return $RET_FAILURE
+ fi
+ fi
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Ask a yes/no question.
+# Note, that ^D is considered as a default answer.
+# Not used.
+# $1 default answer: (y|n|x)
+# $2 question: string
+# returns yes / no: (0|1)
+# interactive.
+function ask
+ # -l auto-converts everything to lower case.
+ local -l default="$1"
+ local question="$2"
+ while true
+ do
+ if [[ "$default" == "y" ]]
+ then
+ printf "%s [Y/n]? " "$question"
+ elif [[ "$default" == "n" ]]
+ then
+ printf "%s [y/N]? " "$question"
+ else
+ printf "%s [y/n]? " "$question"
+ default="x"
+ fi
+ local -l reply # -l converts to lowercase
+ read reply
+ if [[ "$reply" =~ ^y(es)?$ ]]
+ then
+ return 0
+ elif [[ "$reply" =~ ^no?$ ]]
+ then
+ return 1
+ elif [[ "$default" == "x" || "$reply" != "" ]]
+ then
+ continue
+ elif [[ "$default" == "y" ]]
+ then
+ return 0
+ else # "$default" == "n"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ done
+main "$@"