path: root/rsync-backup
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rsync-backup')
1 files changed, 657 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rsync-backup b/rsync-backup
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e0ed37a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsync-backup
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# rsync-backup - a backup script using rsync.
+# Copyright 2015 - 2018 Einhard Leichtfuß
+# This file is part of rsync-backup.
+# rsync-backup is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# rsync-backup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with rsync-backup. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+typeset -r exec_name="${0##*/}"
+typeset -r CONFIG=/etc/rsync-backup/config
+typeset -r RET_TYPES='
+typeset -r RET_SUCCESS=0
+typeset -r RET_FAILURE=1
+typeset -r RET_BADSYNTAX=2
+typeset -r RET_FILE_ERR=4
+typeset -r RET_ERROR=8
+typeset -r DATEFMT='%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S'
+# Shell options:
+# nullglob: In case of a non-matching glob, return nothing.
+# dotglob: Include dotfiles (except . and ..) in glob matching.
+typeset -r SHOPTS='nullglob dotglob'
+# Global program variables.
+typeset src src_path src_host
+typeset dest dest_path dest_host
+typeset -a filter_args
+typeset -i n
+typeset bakdate
+# Variables that may be configured.
+typeset RSYNC=rsync
+typeset -a rsync_args
+typeset -a rsync_inc_args
+typeset -A bakpath
+typeset filter_file_all # Applied after specific filter.
+typeset -A filter_file
+# Default arguments for rsync (-rptogAXlHS, --timeout=, --info=).
+ --recursive
+ --perms --times --owner --group
+ --acls --xattrs
+ --links
+ --hard-links
+ --sparse
+ --timeout=60
+ #-vv
+ --info=progress2
+ )
+# Supplemental arguments for rsync; only used when an actual incremental
+# update is performed, i.e. when --link-dest is used.
+ --fuzzy --fuzzy
+ )
+source "$CONFIG"
+# RSYNC args.
+# basic args: --recursive --perms --times --owner --group --links
+# extra args: --sparse --acls --xattrs --hard-links --timeout=60
+# --fuzzy --fuzzy
+# --filter="merge <file>"
+# likely: --compress
+# --partial{,dir=DIR}
+# --progress
+# possibly: --devices --specials
+# --max-size=SIZE-OF-FILE
+# --one-file-system
+# --log-file=FILE --log-file-format=FORMAT
+# --human-readable
+# unlikely: --omit-{dir,link}-times --update (!--inplace) --delete
+# --exclude
+# great: --link-dest=DIR (timestamps?)
+# testing: --verbose --dry-run (-vn)
+# interesting: --sockopts --itemize-changes --out-format=FORMAT
+# --stats
+function main
+ shopt -s $SHOPTS
+ # Set $src, $dest_path and $filter_args.
+ get_args "$@" || return $?
+ # Verify $src_path exists.
+ run_function "$src_host" src_check_path '' 'src_path src' || return $?
+ # Make sure $dest_path exists.
+ run_function "$dest_host" dest_check_path '' 'dest_path dest' || return $?
+ # Populate the global $dirs array.
+ dirs=( $(
+ run_function "$dest_host" dest_find_existing_backup_dirs '' 'dest_path' \
+ || return $?
+ ) )
+ n=${#dirs[@]}
+ run_function "$dest_host" dest_prepare 'dest_clear_file' \
+ 'dest dirs[@] n dest_host dest_path' "$(date +$DATEFMT)" \
+ || return $?
+ perform_backup || return $?
+ run_function "$dest_host" dest_finalize \
+ 'dest_refresh_symlinks dest_clear_file' \
+ 'dest_host dest_path bakdate n' \
+ || return $?
+ dest_refresh_symlinks
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Set the globabl variables $src, $dest_path and $filter_args according to
+# command line parameters and the configuration.
+# $@: command line parameters
+function get_args
+ if [ $# -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "Usage: $exec_name <src> [<dest>]"
+ fi
+ local l_src="$1"
+ local l_dest
+ # Set $src_path, $src_host and $src.
+ resolve_host_path src "$l_src" || return $?
+ if [ $# -gt 1 ]
+ then
+ l_dest="$2"
+ elif test -v bakpath[$src]
+ then
+ l_dest="${bakpath[$src]}"
+ else
+ echo "Error: Backup path for $src neither configured"
+ echo " nor specified on command line."
+ fi
+ # Set $dest_path, $dest_host and $dest.
+ resolve_host_path dest "$l_dest" || return $?
+ filter_args=()
+ if test -v filter_file[$src] && test -f "${filter_file[$src]}"
+ then
+ filter_args+=("--filter=merge ${filter_file[$src]}")
+ fi
+ if test -v filter_file_all -a -f "$filter_file_all"
+ then
+ filter_args+=("--filter=merge ${filter_file_all}")
+ fi
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Split host:target like rsync and convert local (!) relative paths to
+# absolute ones. This is needed at least for $src_path which is used as
+# key for associative arrays.
+# The results are written to the global variables $<vtype>, $<vtype>_host
+# and $<vtype>_path, where <vtype> is either src or dest. $<vtype> gets
+# set to the original to be resolved string, unless we are local, i.e.
+# there is no host.
+# Note: This is not a place for bash to shine. Perl for instance would do
+# this much more easily.
+# Examples:
+# - a:b -> (a, b)
+# - a/b:c -> ('', a/b:c)
+# $1: which global variables to set: (src|dest)
+# $2: path string potentially containing host prefix
+# sets: ${$1}_host: host name (may be empty)
+# ${$1}_path: path (absolute, if local, i.e. ${$1}_host='')
+# ${$1}: ${$1}_path, if ${$1}_host='',
+# ${$1}_host:${$1}_path (= $2), elsewise.
+function resolve_host_path
+ local vtype="$1"
+ local combined="$2"
+ local host path
+ # Split host and path.
+ host=${combined%%:*}
+ if [[ "$host" == "$combined" || "$host" =~ '/' ]]
+ then
+ host=''
+ path="$combined"
+ # Resolve to absolute directory.
+ # pwd -P avoids symlinks.
+ # Do not resolve symlimks in ${path} or test for its existance.
+ # `- realpath could do that.
+ if ! [[ "$path" =~ / ]]
+ then
+ path="$(pwd -P)/${path}"
+ fi
+ combined="$path"
+ else
+ path="${combined#*:}"
+ fi
+ # Set global variables.
+ if [[ "$vtype" == 'src' ]]
+ then
+ src_host="$host"
+ src_path="$path"
+ src="$combined"
+ else # "$vtype" == 'dest'
+ dest_host="$host"
+ dest_path="$path"
+ dest="$combined"
+ fi
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Run a function on a remote host.
+# If the host parameter is empty, run locally.
+# $1: host: name
+# $2: function to run: name
+# $3: other functions to export: [name (. ' ' . name)*]
+# $4: variables to export: [name (. ' ' . name)*]
+# ${@:5}: function arguments: string+
+function run_function
+ local host="$1"
+ local fun=$2
+ local funs="$fun $3"
+ local vars="$4"
+ local vars_set
+ shift 4
+ if [[ -z "$host" ]]
+ then
+ $fun "$@"
+ else
+ # Create string to export variables.
+ vars_set=
+ for var in $RET_TYPES $vars
+ do
+ vars_set+="$(eval echo \${${var}@A}); "
+ done
+ # Use ssh to run command remotely.
+ # Make sure to properly escape the strings.
+ ssh "$host" "shopt -s ${SHOPTS}; ${vars_set} $(typeset -f $funs);" \
+ "$fun $(printf "'%s' " "$@")"
+ fi
+ return $?
+# Run command remotely.
+# Not used.
+# $1: host: name
+# ${@:2}: command with arguments: string+
+function do_thing
+ local host="$1"
+ shift
+ if [[ -z "$host" ]]
+ then
+ "$@"
+ else
+ # Use ssh to run command remotely.
+ # Make sure to properly escape the strings.
+ ssh "$host" "shopt -s ${SHOPTS}; $(printf "'%s' " "$@")"
+ fi
+ return $?
+# Check if $src exists.
+# Must be run on source host.
+# requires: $src_path, $src
+function src_check_path
+ if ! test -d "$src_path"
+ then
+ echo "Source (\"$src\") does not exist."
+ return $RET_FILE_ERR
+ fi
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Check if $dest_path exists and try to create it if necessary.
+# Must be run on destination host.
+# requires: $dest_path, $dest
+# interactive.
+function dest_check_path
+ local -l reply
+ if ! test -d "$dest_path"
+ then
+ echo "Target (\"$dest\") does not exist."
+ echo -n "Do you want do create it [y/N]? "
+ read reply
+ if ! [[ "$reply" =~ ^y(es)?$ ]]
+ then
+ return $RET_FAILURE
+ fi
+ echo
+ if ! mkdir -p "$dest_path"
+ then
+ echo "Backup creation has failed."
+ echo "\"$dest\" could not be created."
+ return $RET_FILE_ERR
+ fi
+ fi
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Print existing backup directories.
+# Must be run on destination host.
+# requires: $dest_path
+function dest_find_existing_backup_dirs
+ find "$dest_path" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d \
+ -regextype posix-extended -regex \
+ '.*/[0-9]{4}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]_[0-2][0-9]([0-5][0-9]){2}.backup' \
+ -printf '%f\n' \
+ | LC_ALL=C sort
+ if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0 && ${PIPESTATUS[1]} -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+ else
+ return $RET_ERROR
+ fi
+# Prepare destination for the backup process.
+# Must be run on destination host.
+# requires: $dirs[@], $n
+# $dest_host (self, <- dest_clear_file)
+# $dest_path
+# $1: current date on local host in format $DATEFMT
+# interactive (<- dest_clear_file)
+function dest_prepare
+ local current_date="$1"
+ # Check for dates in the future, which might mess with the yet to be
+ # determined new backup's date.
+ if [[ $n -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ local last_date=${dirs[n-1]%.backup}
+ if [[ "$current_date" == "$last_date" ]]
+ then
+ echo "Last backup was run in the same second."
+ echo "Exiting."
+ return $RET_FAILURE
+ elif
+ [[ "$current_date" < "$last_date" ]]
+ then
+ echo "Last backup lies in the future. Fix your clocks."
+ echo "Exiting."
+ return $RET_FAILURE
+ fi
+ fi
+ dest_clear_file "${dest_path}/new.backup" "Backup creation has failed." \
+ || return $?
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Perform the actual backup.
+# To be run locally.
+# requires: $DATEFMT,
+# $dest_path, $dest, $src_path, $src,
+# $n, $dirs[@],
+# $rsync_args[@], $rsync_inc_args[@], $filter_args[@]
+# sets: $bakdate
+function perform_backup
+ bakdate=`date +"$DATEFMT"`
+ printf 'Starting backup nr. %u.\n' "$n"
+ if [ $n -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ # Perform first backup, not incremental.
+ $RSYNC "${rsync_args[@]}" \
+ "${filter_args[@]}" \
+ "$src"/ "${dest}/new.backup" \
+ || return $RET_ERROR
+ else
+ # Perform incremental backup on the basis of the last.
+ $RSYNC "${rsync_args[@]}" \
+ "${rsync_inc_args[@]}" --link-dest="../${dirs[n-1]}" \
+ "${filter_args[@]}" \
+ "$src"/ "${dest}/new.backup" \
+ || return $RET_ERROR
+ fi
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Finalize the backup creation on the destination host.
+# requires: $dest_host (<- dest_refresh_symlinks),
+# $dest_path (self, <- dest_refresh_symlinks),
+# $bakdate (self, <- dest_refresh_symlinks),
+# $n (self, <- dest_refresh_symlinks),
+# interactive (<- dest_refresh_symlinks)
+function dest_finalize
+ mv "${dest_path}/new.backup" "${dest_path}/${bakdate}.backup" \
+ || return $RET_FILE_ERR
+ if
+ dest_refresh_symlinks
+ then
+ printf '\nCreating of backup nr. %u successfully executed.\n' "$n"
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+ else
+ local ret=$?
+ printf '\nCreating of backup nonetheless successfully executed.\n'
+ return $ret
+ fi
+# Create symbolic links to backup directories.
+# Must be run on the destination host.
+# requires: $dest_host, $dest_path, $bakdate, $n
+# interactive (<- dest_clear_file)
+function dest_refresh_symlinks
+ local -i i
+ local host_prefix="${dest_host}${dest_host:+:}"
+ local linkdir ret
+ linkdir="${dest_path}/latest"
+ if test -L "$linkdir"
+ then
+ rm "$linkdir"
+ ln -s "${bakdate}.backup" "$linkdir" || return $RET_ERROR
+ elif
+ dest_clear_file "$linkdir" "Creation of softlink \"latest\" failed." \
+ || return $?
+ then
+ ln -s "${bakdate}.backup" "$linkdir" || return $RET_ERROR
+ fi
+ # by_number
+ numdir="${dest_path}/by_number"
+ if ! test -d "$numdir"
+ then
+ dest_clear_file "$dest_host" "$numdir" \
+ "Setting up numbered softlinks failed." || return $?
+ mkdir "$numdir" || return $RET_ERROR
+ fi
+ # Remove old symlinks.
+ find "$numdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type l -regextype posix-extended \
+ -regex '.*/[0-9]*' -delete || return $RET_ERROR
+ # TODO: Simplify.
+ for file in "$numdir"/*
+ do
+ echo $file
+ dest_clear_file "$file" "Setting up numbered softlinks failed." \
+ || return $?
+ done
+ # Set last dir on the new one.
+ dirs[$n]="${bakdate}.backup"
+ for (( i = 0; i <= n; i++ ))
+ do
+ ln -s "../${dirs[i]}" "$(printf "%s/%.${#n}u" "$numdir" $i)"
+ done
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Make sure a file does not exist on the destination host.
+# Must be run on destination host.
+# $1: file: path
+# $2: error message: string
+# requires: $dest_host
+# interactive.
+function dest_clear_file
+ local file_path="$1"
+ local err_msg="$2"
+ local file="${dest_host}${dest_host:+:}${file_path}"
+ local -l reply
+ if test -e "$file_path" -o -L "$file_path"
+ then
+ printf "%s %s\n %s\n%s\n" \
+ "It seems like the last backup process failed or you have created" \
+ "the file" "$file" "manually."
+ echo -n "Do you want to delete it [y/N]? "
+ read reply
+ if [[ "$reply" =~ ^y(es)?$ ]]
+ then
+ printf "Deleting.\n"
+ if rm -rf "$file_path"
+ then
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+ else
+ printf '%s\n' "$err_msg"
+ return $RET_FILE_ERR
+ fi
+ else
+ printf '%s\n' "$err_msg"
+ return $RET_FAILURE
+ fi
+ fi
+ return $RET_SUCCESS
+# Ask a yes/no question.
+# Note, that ^D is considered as a default answer.
+# Not used.
+# $1 default answer: (y|n|x)
+# $2 question: string
+# returns yes / no: (0|1)
+# interactive.
+function ask
+ # -l auto-converts everything to lower case.
+ local -l default="$1"
+ local question="$2"
+ while true
+ do
+ if [[ "$default" == "y" ]]
+ then
+ printf "%s [Y/n]? " "$question"
+ elif [[ "$default" == "n" ]]
+ then
+ printf "%s [y/N]? " "$question"
+ else
+ printf "%s [y/n]? " "$question"
+ default="x"
+ fi
+ local -l reply # -l converts to lowercase
+ read reply
+ if [[ "$reply" =~ ^y(es)?$ ]]
+ then
+ return 0
+ elif [[ "$reply" =~ ^no?$ ]]
+ then
+ return 1
+ elif [[ "$default" == "x" || "$reply" != "" ]]
+ then
+ continue
+ elif [[ "$default" == "y" ]]
+ then
+ return 0
+ else # "$default" == "n"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ done
+main "$@"